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How to write scenarios

To make your life easier, there is a set of predefined templates you can use as a starting point.

Common guidelines

  • Each scenario type has its own root directory where it belongs: coops, clash, campaigns. Apart from adding the scenario itself, you have to register it in the directory's main.tex.
  • New scenarios have to be added to the translation framework. Simply edit po4a.cfg - copy a line from existing scenario and change the paths accordingly. Once this is done, run po4a -v po4a.cfg to generate the files.

Solo Campaign

Your first scenario should start with the following line that adds a record to the table of contents:

\cleardoublepage\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{} {} {} {} {}<Campaign Name Here>}

The \addscenariosection has to set its default parameter to subsection to appear correctly in table of contents. Other game types (Clash, Alliance, Cooperative) don't need the extra parameter.

\addscenariosection[subsection]{1}{Campaign name}{Scenario name}{\images/title.png}


  1. Use the map generator to create your maps.

  2. Always export the final map from the map generator and store it in a new file in assets/map-files.

  3. Trim and resize your map to a maximum width of 2000px.